Thursday, January 7, 2016

Gavin M Pd:6

I remember riding my bike with my best friends
the way wind blew in my face
and how nice the day was

I remember the sounds of the tires over the ground
like exploding fireworks

The handle bars in my hands
like a rocket preparing for take off

I remember the trees and cars passing by
how the green leaves caught my eye

Each time I recall this memory it brings me back to my old neighborhood
peddling fast with my best friends
I cant believe its been three years

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Pd:2 Koziol, Sophie Paragraph

Red Umbrella Final Project

                The scene where Frankie sneaks into the girls' dormitory shows empathy and tolerance. Lucia and Frankie's dad gave Mr. Ramirez money and a job when he really needed it. Also, he gave him medicine when his son was sick. Mr. Ramirez said he wold repay Papa one day because of what he did for him. This part of the scene shows empathy because he allows them to live together with Mr and Mrs Baxter. Mr Ramirez shows tolerance toward Frankie and Lucia by treating them differently. He treated them differently in a good way. Letting them live together without any consequences. These examples in the scene where Frankie sneaks into the girls' dormitory clearly shows empathy and tolerance.

Pd:2 Koziol, Sophie Paragraph

Red Umbrella Final Project

                The scene where Frankie sneaks into the girls' dormitory shows empathy and tolerance. Lucia and Frankie's dad gave Mr. Ramirez money and a job when he really needed it. Also, he gave him medicine when his son was sick. Mr. Ramirez said he wold repay Papa one day because of what he did for him. This part of the scene shows empathy because he allows them to live together with Mr and Mrs Baxter. Mr Ramirez shows tolerance toward Frankie and Lucia by treating them differently. He treated them differently in a good way. Letting them live together without any consequences. These examples in the scene where Frankie sneaks into the girls' dormitory clearly shows empathy and tolerance.